Social marketing services
We work with governments, local authorities, local and national health bodies and charities to help deliver lasting behaviour change for social good.
Our words really do change lives.
Words that change lives
Here at Thrive, we adopt a research-based and people-centric approach to social marketing, resulting in sustainable and lasting behaviour change.
Our social marketing campaigns enable better communication with people in a way which empowers them to change their behaviour – for their own benefit and for society as a whole.
We understand that simply telling people to change their behaviour is not enough to deliver lasting change. It is only by ‘walking the journey’ with people that it is possible to truly understand their behaviour and empower them to make healthier choices.
By combining in-depth ethnographic research, on-the-ground experience, and specialist behaviour change expertise, we can help you to create social marketing campaigns that truly resonate with your audience.
Thrive projects in the field of behaviour change for social good are evidence-led and have been peer-reviewed in articles in the British Medical Journal and BMC Public Health.
Learn more about some of our life-changing projects in the case studies below.
Case studies
MAMA Mobile Messaging
Mobile Alliance for Maternal Action (MAMA) provides evidence-based health content to mothers in low resource settings, via mobile messaging. MAMA’s founding partners are USAID, Johnson & Johnson and BabyCenter.
Health messaging for HIV+ mothers
Thrive works with our partners, Johnson & Johnson, and the South African National Department of Health to deliver a free mobile messaging programme, supporting pregnant women and new mothers.
Encouraging positive health behaviours in India
Our behaviour change messaging campaign in India has improved the health of more than two million mothers living in the poorest areas, changing their lives and those of their babies.
Behaviour change support for UK students
Unihealth is the UK’s first mobile messaging programme for student wellbeing.We create and deliver innovative, engaging, effective messaging programmes, that empower students to make the best decisions for their mental, emotional and physical wellbeing.
Clients & Partners
Supported by
Our health & behaviour change experts
Thrive works with over 100 health and wellness experts covering 15 medical specialties. Our global behaviour change projects have run from India to Mexico and are undertaken with the assistance of subject-specific Medical Advisory Boards.
Experts that have supported our work include:
Dr Felix Naughton, our behaviour change consultant
As our Behaviour Change Consultant, Felix helps us plan and evaluate our behaviour change projects. He is Senior Lecturer in Health Psychology in the School of Health Sciences at UEA, Visiting Senior Researcher at the Behavioural Science Group, University of Cambridge, and Honorary Associate Professor within the Division of Primary Care, University of Nottingham.

Mark Tomlinson
Mark Tomlinson is currently a Professor in the Department of Psychology at Stellenbosch University in South Africa. His work has focussed on factors that contribute to infant and child development in high adversity environments. We recently worked with Mark on a programme of messages to meet the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals 3 (good health and wellbeing), 4 (quality education), and 5 (gender equality).

Dr. Dominique Thompson
Dr Dominique Thompson is a GP in the UK with a particular interest in young people’s health care. She is Director of the Student Health Service at Bristol University and was named as one of five ‘GP Heroes’ in a national survey of GPs by Pulse magazine. Dominique is also Honorary Secretary of the Student Health Association.

Neelanjana Singh
Neelanjana Singh is a nutritionist and diabetes educator based in Delhi, India. She has over 30 years of extensive clinical experience with many leading organisations including the All India Institute Of Medical Science, the Diabetes Foundation and the World Health Organisation. We recruited Neelanjana to the Medical Advisory Board of BabyCenter India.

How we drive behaviour change
To change behaviour, you first need to understand it. We can help you do that using primary and secondary research alongside established behavioural models.
Behavioural analysis
Our expertise in proven behaviour change models like COM-B means we can explore all the obstacles and solutions to change.
Behavioural strategy
Once we've completed analysis we will design a tailored strategy, underpinned by frameworks such as EAST and the Behaviour Change Wheel.
Behaviour change solutions
We craft content that will drive lasting behaviour change and deliver it through the most effective channels for your audience.
Data-driven results
We monitor, evaluate, and reiterate to make sure our solutions are as effective as possible.
Want to find out more?
We work with brands, partner agencies, governments and charities who want to make their message resonate. We engage people through the power of behaviour change to transform lives and societies for good. If you want to find out more about our health or behaviour change expertise we’re always happy to talk.
Contact us